Saturday, December 28, 2019
Values and Beliefs That Form the HR Articles Foundation
Values and Beliefs That Form the HR Articles FoundationValues and Beliefs That Form the HR Articles FoundationDeeply-held values, beliefs, and principles gestalt the foundation upon which this Human Resources site is built. These deeply-held values, beliefs, and principles form the underpinnings for the approaches recommended and the objectives for this Human Resources website. We will add to these over time, but these are deeply-held values, beliefs, and principles which we trust. They form the foundation for my work and my writing. How do these values, beliefs, and principles compare with yours? Deeply-Held, Foundational Values, and Beliefs In the workplace, we are all equal.We just have different jobs and callings through which we are challenged to add value every day.We operate from our own value system.These values profoundly affect everything that we do or say. Thus, identifying and living our values is crucial.Employees are your fruchtwein important assets.Consequently, co mpanies you influence should appreciate employees and act out of a genuine belief that employees, along with the customers, matter the fruchtwein.When this thinking prevails, organizational decisions become easy. Are they employee-friendly while protecting the company that provides employment? If so, implement them. Do they recognize the fact that, but for your employees, a competitor could set up shop tomorrow and offer your same products and services? Result your company could lose. Start with every employee from a position of trust. They will most frequently live up to the trust you accord them in keeping with your high expectations for their performance - and their expectations of themselves. Trust - but verify - so that dishonest employees who lack integrity, fail to keep commitments, and let the team down, are dealt with quickly -before they affect the commitment and engagement of the rest of your coworkers.Hire employees who are passionate about serving customers. The custome rs are the reason your organization exists and you wont succeed without them. Neither will your employees. Decisions are made, not because they are more convenient for your employees, but because they truly serve customers more effectively. Your employees (except for some interns and high school students) are grown-ups. Treat them like the thinking, choosing, life-living adults that they are. Adults dont need close supervision or a boss who tells them what to do. They dont need a mother. They need colleagues, friends, and organization leaders.Dont ever expect a colleague to support, with one hundred percent of their energy and passion, any process, decision, or approach, that they were not part of creating.Work is most congruent with our needs and values when the contribution that we make also fulfills our personal mission and vision. Identifying and living a personal mission and vision is key to this balance. True diversity will jupe your workplace. We are not referring to artifici al appreciation or politically correct (PC) statements and mandatory programs about race, color, or creed. You should advocate genuine appreciation for and integration of the vast variety of talents, skills, backgrounds, experiences, generational differences, and beliefs that diverse employees bring to your workplace.People talk about organizations having a mission and vision incessantly - mostly for the wrong reasons. How organizations go about sharing them with all employees leaves much to be desired. Employees want to be part of something that is bigger than themselves. They want to feel that their employer has an overall direction in which their work and contribution fits and matters.So, articulate the mission and the vision and share them in a manner that will help employees integrate them. The only way to help employees internalize the mission, vision, strategies, and goalsis to hold a conversation with each employee.During the conversation, the employee identifies how his or her work can contribute to the achievement, how they need to grow and develop skills to better contribute, and how their work fits into the broader work of other employees.When organizations hold these conversations, magical partnerships ensue. Decisions are made correctly. Time is spent on contribution. Company operations should be transparent to employees successes, failures, challenges, financial results, goals, prospects, customer interaction, benefits cost and review, competitive environment, industry prospects, financial outlook, and all other aspects of a companys operation should be shared transparently with employees. How can employees contribute, share your dreams, and make appropriate decisions in your interests if they lack fundamental information? They cant. Do you want wise, knowledgeable employees making great decisions? Make information transparent. Do not reward employees who block its flow or hoard information for their own personal purposes. Managers and frontline supervisors are the most powerful force for good - or for ill - in your organization. They either learn to manage people in ways that empower, enable and reinforce positive power in your work environment or they should be fired.Behavior that reinforces petty egos, blocks information flow, and fails to respect the dignity, rights, and humanness of every employee is not just unacceptable, it is criminal.Think that you can train a manager who treats people with a lack of respect? Think again. You can train skills you cant train attitude, emotional maturity, beliefs about people, or values. That was his or her parents job.Your job? Get rid of him or her. Before they destroy the work outlook of other employees. And, while were on the topic, employees dont change much either they just become more of who they are - or sneaky.
Monday, December 23, 2019
5 Ways to Beat Stress in the Payroll Department
5 Ways to Beat Stress in the Payroll Department5 Ways to Beat Stress in the Payroll DepartmentIf the pressure of your payroll job is weighing you down, and youre not sure how to deal with stress at work, youre in good company. In anAccountemps study, 52 percent of workers polled said they are somewhat or very stressed at work. Additionally, 60 percent feel employee stress has increased over the past five years.Workplace stress is bad for your productivity, personal happiness, and physical and mental health. But payroll never ends, and it seems that every payday results in at least a few people upset about their withholdings. The good berichterstattung is you can better manage your anxiety level. If you want to know how to deal with stress at work, here are five ways to reclaim your inner peace.1. Amp up your physical activityExercise can feel like torture when youre in it, but its stress-relieving effects stay with you long after your workout. For one, it increases blood flow to your brain, improving memory and helping you process information better. According to the Mayo Clinic, working out also combats depression by increasing the amount of endorphins (aka feel-good neurotransmitters) you produce. Happiness and health go hand in hand.So make exercise a regular part of your life. Opt for public transportation rather than driving. Jog up the stairs in your workplace instead of waiting for the elevator. Take a lunch-time yoga or tai chi class to reduce stress and learn to let go. And rather than surfing the web during breaks, head outside for a brisk walk. Before you know it, your workplace anxiety - and maybe even your weight - will drop.2. Learn to unplugBecause people need to get paid every two weeks or every month, its understandable why payroll specialists are reluctant to get away for an extended period. In another Accountemps survey, 41 percent of workers polled said they didnt take any or all of their vacation days because theyre concerned about coming back to a pile of work. Another 35 percent said they didnt want others to have to manage their workloads.Its one thing to be a dedicated employee, but quite another to jeopardize your mental health. Vacation time exists because you need and deserve that time away to relax and recharge. So go ahead and schedule that week-long break - no guilt or work emails allowed. Ask colleagues to cover for you, and return the favor when its their turn to get away. Be sure to create an out-of-office message so you arent overwhelmed by an overflowing inbox when you return to work.3. Practice single-taskingResearch suggests multitasking is out because it hurts your health and productivity. But mindfulness, the act of focusing on the present, is in. Embrace being in the moment by not getting distracted by another task or problem. When analyzing data or compiling a report, concentrate on the content and not what else you have to do. During meetings, pay attention to the speaker rather than checking your messages. Control your environment so as to reduce distractions. Do you really need to be notified of every email that hits your inbox? The better you are at monotasking - a basic time management technique - the more efficiently you can finish your work.4. Indulge in outside interestsHeres a question to ask yourself Are you letting work creep into your personal life? If youre leise toiling away during evenings and weekends, its time to draw some boundaries and work on a pet project. Some excellent choices include those that require you to focus, such as baking, gardening, woodworking or playing an instrument. Or give back to the community by volunteering your skills for a worthy cause. Having non-work interests gives you something to look forward to and provides another means of relaxation.5. Make some changesNaturally, peak periods like year-end processing and reporting deadlines are stressful. But if your anxiety level is high all year long, take a good look at your work en vironment and consider whether its time to start a job search. Theres no easy way of coping with bad management, a toxic workplace or an office bully. In these situations, you could relieve the stress by finding another employer. While its true that a job change is stressful as well, the peace of mind might be well worth the effort.While no payroll job is 100 percent stress-free, theres no need for work-related worries to take over your life and harm your health. Workplace happiness is within your reach and control.Find out more about how to bring more happiness to the job.READ OUR REPORT
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Making a Career Change How to Determine the Transferrable Tools in Your Toolkit
Making a Career Change How to Determine the Transferrable Tools in Your Toolkit Making a Career Change How to Determine the Transferrable Tools in Your Toolkit Becoming limitless means aligning what you do with who you are. If youve determined you need to change your career in order to do that, fret leid. All is not lost. You have skills, education, and training that will transfer to your new career.Lets explore how the talent and expertise youve gained so far can help you becomelimitless in your next role, no matter what it isTransferable SkillsWhich of your skills are transferable? That depends somewhat on your field and your position in that field, but the simple answer is all of them. Every skill you use in your current working situation can be used in the work that matters more to you.Its possible, even probable, that you will need to pick up some new skills to participate fully in the new role youd like to play. For the most part, however, youll find you already have much of what it takes to get started. Whether your toolkit includes hard skills like management or knowledge of the law or soft skills such as empathy and organization isnt all that significant. Transferring your skills is less about changing the content and more about changingthe context.You may need to learn some new rules or technologies, butmost duties that fall under the operations, administration, and finance functions are easily transferable. If you move into fundraisingor advocacy work, you might have to adjust to some legal differencesin the tax code, but even with extenuating circumstances like these,your practical skills will be easily transportedintowhatever newrole you seek.Other skills, like community-building and fund development, transfer well after a bit of tweaking. Charisma, confidence, and persuasiveness know no organizational chart limit. Selling stocks may not be the saatkorn as raising money for a nonprofit, but in each case you aredoing the same footwork Do the resea rch, be the steward, ask, and follow up.Formal EducationIf you dont have a great deal of work experience, your formal education determines what you are qualified to do, substantively speaking.Your formal educationentails the whole of your subject matter expertise. For those who are just coming out of school or who have short job histories under their belts, education is of paramount importance and will be weighed heavily by the hiring manager. What you know matters, and at this point what you know has come mainly from your schooling.For those who have been in the working world a bit longer, education is only one part of the equation. In some cases, like medicine or the law, a formal degree is a state requirement. Social workers and teachers must be licensed, and stock traders and accountants must pass certain exams. In other cases, like fundraising or association management, a degree or certificate is not a requirement, but it provides a leg-up against other candidates.In some roles , a deep, substantive knowledge of the work being done is vital to a candidates success. This knowledge is often acquired throughout the course of a long career in the field, especially in cases where attaining more education is unrealistic. You are unlikely to enter medical school when you are 45 years old, although it has been done. If you work in law or finance, youre probably not going to up and decide to get a PhD in oceanography to work at the CousteauSociety (however much fun that may sound).In other cases, degrees that teach skills and not subject matter expertise - such as programs on nonprofit management, fundraising, accounting, and operations or certificates in entrepreneurship, teaching, or health coaching - are easily attainable and make sense strategically. Its simply a matter of determining whether the investment of time and money will give you the return you seek, whether it be karmic or financial.On-the-Job TrainingMany job seekers have received enough on-the-job training to write doctoral theses on the work they do. Even if this is truefor you, you probably dont realize just how much youve learned along the way. Figuring out just how much expertise youve acquired demands critical thinking about where you came from, your initial expectations of your career trajectory, and where you have ended up.To better understand your own expertise, consider the followingWhat did you hope to get from your career? Are you there?What changed along the way?What do you do now that you never imagined you would be doing?What do you know more about now than when you started this job, or your last job, or the job before that?As you take a deep dive into your memory (and resume) while considering questions like these, dont forget about the community service, nonprofit volunteering, or board work youve performed. Each of your days has brought a lesson, and each lesson is valuable to your job search in some way.Laura Gassner Otting is the author of Limitless How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life.
Friday, December 13, 2019
5 Tips for the Stay-at-Home Parents Job Search
5 Tips for the Stay-at-Home Parents Job Search5 Tips for the Stay-at-Home Parents Job Search7It can feel overwhelming to figure out how to do the same thing you did before- and it may not make sense to do so anymora. Your industry has likely changed considerably since you were last employed- and so have you.Sometimes when you re-enter the workforce, you wont be able to pick back up where you left off, says licensed clinical social worker Amy Morin. Expect rejection and dont allow it to interfere with your job search.In other words, instead of trying to play the same game, think about who youve become today and what you want now. If your family shares priority status with your career, it may be a better plan to do something new. For an increasing number of people transitioning back to work, that new thing might mean some type of flexible job arrangement or tackling part-time work from home.Here are five tips from Morin and work-family researcher Stacy S. Kim, PhD, founder of Life Junc tions, on how stay-at-home parents can reinvent themselves for a career comeback.Five Tips for the Stay-at-Home Parents Job SearchDont get discouraged.Feeling negative about your job transition creates an unproductive vicious cycle that becomes increasingly difficult to climb out of. Make peace with your past dont beat yourself up for leaving the workforce in the first place or not starting the job search sooner, says Kim. Tell yourself youre starting now and focus on the present. Staying positive helps you become more attractive as a candidate.Do things you enjoy.While it may feel frivolous to let yourself get drawn into what youre attracted to, it can pay off in new opportunities. If you love books, hang out at libraries and bookstores, says Kim. If you love animals, visit the doggie day care or animal shelter. If you love to knit, knit. This helps you meet people who can help you learn about jobs that interest you. It can also help you discover ways to connect your interests to y our talents, which helps you find jobs youve never considered before.Track your progress.Its easy to get discouraged if you havent found that new opportunity yet. Instead, Kim advises making a list of all of the things youve done to open new doors, big and small. List people youve met, websites of companies youve looked into, articles youve read, says Kim. Keep it in a calendar or journal. Not only does this help you stay organized, but it also helps you stay positive and energized.Be HonestWhether you target traditional employment or flex work, its important to remember how your life has changed due to your family situation. Morin notes that sometimes people agree to more than they can actually handle without realizing it will no longer match their lifestyle needs. In some cases, Morin recommends considering jobs that you feel overqualified for. When you attend an interview, be honest with an employer about the hours you can work, says Morin. Dont offer to work evenings and weekend s unless you really mean it.Dont compare.It goes without saying that each parent has a unique set of circumstances, resources, talents, attitudes, and children. Therefore, Kim suggests remembering that what works for someone else may not work for you. When you see what others are doing, be they mentors, celebrities, neighbors, family, or friends, consider whether it is truly relevant to you, says Kim. You have to take charge and create your own path.Readers, what are your best tips for the stay-at-home parents job search?
Sunday, December 8, 2019
One of the Most Incredibly Neglected Solutions for Resume Writing Group Reviews
One of the Most Incredibly Neglected Solutions for Resume Writing Group Reviews Payment confirmation is sent together with a special ID which will help you correspond with staff and writers at the business. Yur own personal return to author is simply an email away. Locating a new job can be difficult and very time-consuming. You will likewise be able to zupflmmel any extra services that you require like career coaching, thank you letter or LinkedIn profile writing. Resume Writing Group Reviews No Longer a Mystery With all that effort, at this point you need to make sure you have only the proper voice to deliver your content. Such misconceptions alert nearly all HR managers. When you would like to find the best resume help, youre able to simply follow our lead. You will need assistance with making a resume. The New Fuss About Resume Writing Group Reviews You may still pick the most reputable and trustworthy company by reading reviews at Still, there are many different aspects to take into account when writing our ResumeWritingGroup review. Remember our reviews are completely unbiased. Resumes Planet Review If you desire a business that has good resume writing services reviews, Resumes Planet may be a good choice to think about. Things You Should Know About Resume Writing Group Reviews For your resume to be noticed, it requires a special touch that could only be accomplished if your resume writer has taken the opportunity to discuss it with you. Theres no doubt a good resume can generate enough interest to help you receive an interview. Its possible to follow resume examples to get inspired, but you have to never copy somebody elses work. A good resume writing service is one which extends to you everything needed to acquire the interest of possible employers. In addition, there are books solely written to assist you write excellent resumes. Make sure you receive the info youre looking for. Although each are entirely d ifferent. Resume Planet is regarded as one of the most dependable sources for resumes at affordable prices. Getting the Best Resume Writing Group Reviews Creating a resume and cover letter is straightforward, but it is going to probably be easier in the event you have references. Take a look at free resume examples on the internet and you will observe that headings ought to be the exact saatkorn all throughout. For that, youll need to create a great and perfect resume template. Developing a resume template is going to have to be wonderful and exciting. You should make sure youre putting your resume and technically, your prospective career in the correct hands. Moreover, you can receive a career coaching service thats a benefit for the person who is going to alter the career path and apply for the dream job. Our crew of professional resume writers will supply you with a sparkling resume reminding no others. If you need assistance getting clarity on the next career move, you may be interested career path clarity coaching. A variety of attractive and beautiful resume designs could be discovered right here. Years of dedicated work and experience lead to creation well-organized and beneficial small business documents. If youre open to different varieties of jobs, let us know. Our services wont only demonstrate your value as an employee to prospective organizations, theyll also convince you of your very own expert worth. Resume Writing Group Reviews for Dummies If youre helped by the notion of the article Resume writing group, dont neglect to share with your buddies. Individuals will use functional summary resume examples to come up with an outline of the best method to present the releveant work experience. Alongside the resume, there could be additionally a cover letter. You could also see various other pictures within the attachment below. In the work world, a nahe daran sein glimpse is all you will receive from a hiring manager. To get wor k, you must make the ideal resume. If your work search isnt confidential, you can also ask your supervisor or trusted colleagues, states Scudder. With our help, hopefully you may secure the job the moment potential. It can be as fundamental as communicating your pined for action title, or it may show where youve been, and where you may want to go in your work. Or perhaps you simply should locate a new job. Finding Resume Writing Group Reviews on the Web The prices are rather affordable. To acquire pricing, you must speak to the business directly. Its important to employ a service which offers you a fine price for top quality. Therefore many Australian resume services are at present available online and they promise excellent success. Customer service and support are the important portion of any web business. One particular special feature given by Resume Writers Service is that if youre a returning customer, you can secure any services for half off the normal price. You ca n be certain that youre in a perfectly safe location when ordering any services on our site.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Vital Pieces of Military Resume Writers
Vital Pieces of Military Resume Writers At our essay assistance, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. Resume writing isnt simple, and there are numerous diverse opinions on the best way to do it. You can depend on the ideal essay help online. On the flip side, such kind of assistance exists in a number of forms. When it has to do with completing a CV, it is fairly hard to obtain a more complicated task than writing an army resume. Understand what you really require. Scannable resumes need specific page designs because computer scanners cant read certain products. In the current competitive job market, you have to be in a position to talk on the employers terms. Furthermore, you should limit your resume and allow it to be plain and brief, as most hiring managers and recruiters only devote a few seconds, scanning CV for the required information rather than reading the entire text. Without regard to the style or format you choose to go for, dont neglect to stick t o each one of the basic resume writing best practices, like using a great deal of action verbs and focusing on what you can do to help the organization and leid what the business can do for you. Our sample military resumes will allow you to realize what exactly recruiters are searching for in your resume. Your Military Resume Writer will talk to you throughout the resume preparation procedure to make sure your most relevant abilities and qualifications arrive at the forefront. Writing a simple resume is an obligation for each and every man who would like to get the wanted job. Empire Resume cares about assisting you to secure work and ensuring your transition goes smoothly. If your work search isnt confidential, you could also ask your supervisor or trusted colleagues, states Scudder. Military Resume Writers No Longer a Mystery The worst part is that such folks dont know where they need to find such aid, even if theyre from a military intelligence support. Military to civili an transitions are among the specialities theyve listed on their site. Just a few services like LinkedIn profiles are available as a standalone item. In the event you worry that you might fail, theres always professional military resume help, prepared to serve your wants and create an effective CV New Step by Step Roadmap for Military Resume Writers Thus, you will know all that is necessary. When writing your professional military resume, our aim is to elevate your personal price and make sure you are very competitive. Making a resume should be achieved rigorously in reservierung that there arent any mistakes. Spelling and grammar check programs are great in various ways, and they appear to pick up lots of common mistakes. What Is So Fascinating About Military Resume Writers? For example, a military cover letter will contain lots of jargonism which wont be appropriate for a civil position. You also upload other documents that are needed by the announcement. If you see a service we havent evaluated, dont hesitate to drop us a message and were going to look it over once possible. The resumes and cover letters were of the maximum standard, the type of CV you wouldnt be ashamed to utilize in your application to a top rated international business. You dont need to be worried about having a resume writer whos unaware of the role that youre applying for. Military is a rather specific field, and usual advices about how to craft an ideal resume may not get the job done here. When you would like to find the best resume help, you may simply follow our lead. You require assistance with making a resume.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Conservationist - Career Information
Conservationist - Career InformationConservationist - Career InformationA conservationist manages natural habitats including parks, forests, and rangelands. He or she mayalso be called a conservation scientist or soil and waterconservationist. This green job involves finding ways to utilize land without harming the environment. Conservationists, who are employed by either private landowners or federal, state, or local governments, make sure landowners follow government regulations and take appropriate measures to protect habitats. They advise farmers and ranchers to help them improve their land and control erosion. Quick Facts Conservationists earn amedian annual salaryof $61,480 (2017).About 22,300 people work in this occupation (2016).Employers include thefederal governmentand state andlocal governments. Social advocacy groups also employ some of them, as doprivate landowners.Thejob outlookfor conservationists is good. Job growth will be on pace with other occupations between 2 016 and 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Conservationists work in offices, labs, and outdoors. A Day in the Life of a Conservationist What is it really like to be a conservationist? Employers listed these duties in job announcements Make field visits to meet with producers to determine conservation needs and assist with conservation plan developmentUse hand tools (e.g. clinometer, hand level) to determine percent slope and slope lengthConduct site inspections of on-going projects to assure that practices being installed meet specificationsServe as a liaison and the point of contact with ecological, safety, and program support for the State Resource ConservationistEnsure all federal, state, departmental, and district regulations are being followed The Downside of Being a Conservationist Expect your days to be physically demanding if you choose this career. You will have to walk long distances often and spend time outdoors in inclement weather.Th ere are dangers inherent in this occupation which include coming into contact with poisonous plants and biting insects. Education Requirements To work as a conservationist, you will need, at the minimum, a bachelors degree in forestry, agronomy, agricultural science, biology, rangeland management, or environmental science. Some people go on to earn a masters degree or doctorate. Your undergraduate studies will prepare you for graduate school. What Soft Skills Do You Need? Particularsoft skills, which are personal qualities with which you were born or acquired through life experiences, will allow you to excel in this occupation. They are Listening and Verbal Communication Skills As a conservationist, you will have to communicate well with colleagues, workers, landowners, and the public.Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills Detecting problems and then identifying possible solutions will be a big part of your job.AnalyticalandDecision-Making Skills The ability to evaluat e the results of experiments and studies and the capacity to utilize this information are essential to success in this field. What Will Employers Expect From You? Here are some requirements from actual job announcements Ability to work independently and as part of highly collaborative teamsWorking knowledge of computers and software including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and/or GIS preferableAbility to perform minor maintenance and repair to infrastructure and equipmentAbility to compose clear, concise, and technically correct documents chooses the most effective and meaningful written form to express information states information as simply as possible and organizes information logicallyExceptional attention to detail Ability to manage multiple tasks through use of effective organizational and time management skills Is This Occupation a Good Fit for You? This occupation is most suitable for individuals with the followinginterests,personality type, andwork-relate d values Interests(Holland Code) EIR (Enterprising, Investigative, Realistic)Personality Type(MBTI PersonalityTypes) ESTP, ISFPWork-Related Values Relationships, Achievement,Independence Related Occupations DescriptionMedian Annual Wage (2017)Required EducationEnvironmental ScientistIdentifies and then finds ways to eliminate hazards to the environment or the earths inhabitants$69,400Bachelors Degree (entry-level) /Masters Degree (advanced)HydrologistStudies the distribution, physical properties, and circulation of water$79,990Bachelors Degree (entry-level) /Masters Degree (advanced)Environmental EngineerSolves problems in the environment using knowledge of engineering, biology, chemistry, and soil science$86,800Bachelors Degree in Environmental, Civil, or Chemical Engineering,Urban or Regional PlannerHelps communities determine how to best use their land and resources$71,490Masters Degree in Urban or Regional Planning Sources Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor ,Occupational Outlook Handbook Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,O*NETOnline(visited June 13, 2018)
Sunday, November 24, 2019
5 Questions for Spotting the Candidate with the Best Presentation Skills
5 Questions for Spotting the Candidate with the Best Presentation Skills 5 Questions for Spotting the Candidate with the Best Presentation Skills If you are in any of these situations, it can be very revealing to candidates to deliver a presentation as parte of the interview process. This strategy allows direct and in-depth assessment of communication skills, knowledge, and ability to think logically. It can also be useful to invite key members of your organization to join the audience during the candidates presentations.The following are some useful assessment questions and criteria1 Is the content well-structured?In most cases, a presentation will have three major parts introduction, main message, and conclusion. If the main message is complicated, a smart presenter will subdivide it to convey the details in a comprehensible way. The presenter then shifts from one part or point to another by using transition phrases, such as the followingLet me start my presentation with aI would like to discuss five pointsFirst second thirdBased on the arguments I mentionedYou will know that the content is well-structured if you clearly remember the key points at the end of the talk. The presented ideas, facts, and stories are interconnected coherently to impart a meaningful message.2 Has the candidate caught your attention?How does the candidate open the presentation? Does he start with a funny anecdote, a striking quote, or an interesting tale? Does she use jokes once in a while to keep you from boredom? If you dont feel like nodding off, taking your phone from your pocket to check emails, or going out of the room for a break during the presentation, it indicates the candidate has captured your focus and attention.3 How does the candidate move?Notice the presenters body movements. Does he seem confident with his posture? Do you get distracted with her hand gestures? Does he look at the audience in the eyes or does he often stare at the ceiling or PowerPoint presentation? How does she make use of the space in the room? In a presentation, remember that its not only the verbal messages that matter the communication style carries some weight as well.4 Does the candidate ask questions from time to time?Asking questions is a good way of engaging the listeners during a presentation. If the candidate does so, he or she is asking you to think, conclude, and respond all of which are indicators of participation. Questions also make good tools for checking whether or not you and the presenter are on the same page.5 How effective are the candidates visual tools?The PowerPoint slide deck itself can make or break a presenters performance, too. Its worthwhile looking at how the candidate prepared his or her audio-visual tool. Has it been crafted with careful thought? Do the illustrations, graphs and charts reinforce the main points, or do they just distract you? Can you read the text clearly, or are the slides jammed with too many phrases? Are the colors professi onal and pleasant to the eyes?At the end of the interview presentation, answer the five questions above. Youll be better able to evaluate the candidates capabilities and make informed hiring decisions.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
11 ways smart people deal with uncertainty
11 ways smart people deal with uncertainty11 ways smart people deal with uncertaintyOur brains are hardwired to make much of modern life difficult. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with uncertainty. On the bright side, if you know the right tricks, you can override yur brains irrational tendencies and handle uncertainty with poise.Our brains give us fits when facing uncertainty because theyre wired to react to it with fear. In a recent study, a Caltech neuroeconomist imaged subjects brains as they were forced to make increasingly uncertain bets - the same kind of bets were forced to make on a regular basis in business.The less information the subjects had to go on, the more irrational and erratic their decisions became. You might think the opposite would be true - the less information we have, the more careful and rational we are in evaluating the validity of that information. leid so. As the uncertainty of the scenarios increased, the subjects brains shifted contro l over to the limbic system, the place where emotions, such as anxiety and fear, are generated.This brain quirk worked great eons ago, when cavemen entered an unfamiliar area and didnt know who or what might be lurking behind the bushes. Overwhelming caution and fear ensured survival. But thats not the case today. This mechanism, which hasnt evolved, is a hindrance in the world of business, where uncertainty rules and important decisions must be made every day with minimal information.As we face uncertainty, our brains push us to overreact. Successful people are able to override this mechanism and shift their thinking in a rational direction. This requires emotional intelligence (EQ), and its no wonder that - among the 1 1000000-plus people thatTalentSmarthas tested - 90% of top performers have high EQs. They earn an average of $28,000 more per year than their low-EQ counterparts do.To boost your EQ, you have to get good at making sound decisions in the face of uncertainty, even w hen your brain fights against this. There are proven strategies that you can use to improve the quality of your decisions when your emotions are clouding your judgment. What follows are eleven of the best strategies that smart people use in these moments.They quiet their limbic systemsThe limbic system responds to uncertainty with a knee-jerk fear reaction, and fear inhibits good decision-making. People who are good at dealing with uncertainty are wary of this fear and spot it as soon as it begins to surface. In this way, they can contain it before it gets out of control. Once they are aware of the fear, they label all the irrational thoughts that try to intensify it as irrational fears - not reality - and the fear subsides. Then they can focus more accurately and rationally on the information they have to go on. Throughout the process, they remind themselves that a primitive part of their brain is trying to take over and that the logical part needs to be the one in charge. In oth er words, they tell their limbic system to settle down and be quiet until a hungry tiger shows up.They stay positivePositive thoughts quiet fear and irrational thinking by focusing your brains attention on something that is completely stress-free. You have to give your wandering brain a little help by consciously selecting something positive to think about. Any positive thought will do to refocus your attention. When things are going well and your mood is good, this is relatively easy. When youre stressing over a tough decision and your mind is flooded with negative thoughts, this can be a challenge. In these moments, think about your day, and identify one positive thing that happened, no matter how small. If you cant think of anything from the current day, reflect on the previous day or days or even the previous week, or perhaps youre looking forward to an exciting event. The point here is that you must have something positive that youre ready to shift your attention to when your t houghts turn negative due to the stress of uncertainty.They know what they know and what they dontWhen uncertainty makes a decision difficult, its easy to feel as ifeverythingis uncertain, but thats hardly ever the case. People who excel at managing uncertainty departure by taking stock of what they know and what they dont know and assigning a factor of importance to each. They gather all the facts they have, and they take their best shot at compiling a list of things theydontknow, for example, what a countrys currency is going to do or what strategy a competitor will employ. They actually try to identify as many of these things as possible because this takes away their power.They embrace that which they cant controlWe all like to be in control. After all, people who feel like theyre at the mercy of their surroundings never get anywhere in life. But this desire for control can backfire when you see everything that you cant control or dont know as a personal failure. People who exce l at managing uncertainty arent afraid to acknowledge whats causing it. In other words, successful people live in the real world. They dont paint any situation as better or worse than it actually is, and they analyze the facts for what they are. They know that the only thing they really control is the process through which they reach their decisions. Thats the only rational way to handle the unknown, and the best way to keep your head on level ground. Dont be afraid to step up and say, Heres what we dont know, but were going forward based on what wedoknow. We may make mistakes, but thats a lot better than standing still.They focus only on what mattersSome decisions can make or break your company. Most just arentthatimportant. The people who are the best at making decisions in the face of uncertainty dont waste their time getting stuck on decisions where the biggest risk is looking foolish in front of their co-workers. When it comes down to it, almost every decision contains at least a small factor of uncertainty - its an inevitable part of doing business. Learning to properly balance the many decisions on your plate, however, allows you to focus your energy on the things that matter and to make more informed choices. It also removes the unnecessary pressure and distraction caused by a flurry of small worries.They dont seek perfectionEmotionally intelligent people dont set perfection as their target because they know theres no such thing as a perfect decision in an uncertain situation. Think about it human beings, by our very nature, are fallible. When perfection is your goal, youre always left with a nagging sense of failure, and you end up spending your time lamenting what you failed to accomplish and what you should have done differently, instead of enjoying what you were able to achieve.They dont dwell on problemsWhere you focus your attention determines your emotional state. When you fixate on the problems that youre facing, you create and prolong negativ e emotions and stress, which hinders performance. When you focus on actions to better yourself and your circumstances, you create a sense of personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and improves performance. Emotionally intelligent people dont allow themselves to become preoccupied with the uncertainties they face. Instead, they focus all their attention and effort on what they can do, in spite of the uncertainty, to better their situation.They know when to trust their gutOur ancestors relied on their intuition - their gut instinct - for survival. Since most of us dont face life-or-death decisions every day, we have to learn how to use this instinct to our benefit. Often we make the mistake of talking ourselves out of listening to our gut instinct, or we go too far in the other direction and impulsively dive into a situation, mistaking our assumptions for instincts. People who successfully deal with uncertainty recognize and embrace the power of their gut instincts, and t hey rely on some tried-and-true strategies to do so successfullyThey recognize their own filters.Theyre able to identify when theyre being overly influenced by their assumptions and emotions or by another persons opinion, for example. Their ability to filter out the feelings thatarentcoming from their intuition helps them focus on what is.They give their intuition some space.Gut instincts cant be forced. Our intuition works best when were not pressuring it to come up with a solution. Albert Einstein said he got his best ideas while sailing, and when Steve Jobs was faced with a tough problem, hed head out for a walk.They build a track record.People who deal well with uncertainty take the time to practice their intuition. They start by listening to their gut on small things and seeing how it goes so that theyll know whether they can trust it when something big comes around.They have contingency plans Staying on top of uncertainty is as much about planning for failure as it is about ho ping for the best. Experts at handling uncertainty arent afraid to admit that they could be wrong, and that frees them up to make detailed, rational, and transparent contingency plans before taking action. Successful people know they arent always going to make the right decision. They know how to absorb and understand mistakes so that they can make better decisions in the future. And they never let mistakes get them down for too long. but they dont ask, What if?What if? statements throw fuel on the fire of stress and worry, and theres no place for them in your thinking once you have good contingency plans in place. Things can go in a million different directions, and the more time you spend worrying about the possibilities, the less time youll spend focusing on taking action that will calm you down and keep your stress under control. Successful people know that asking what if? will only take them to a place they dont want, or need, to go to.When all else fails, they breatheYou have to remain calm to make good decisions in the face of uncertainty. An easy way to do this lies in something that you have to do every day anyway- breathing. The practice of being in the moment with your breathing trains your brain to focus solely on the task at hand and quiets distracting thoughts. When youre feeling overwhelmed, take a couple of minutes to focus on your breathing. Close the door, put away all other distractions, and just sit in a chair and breathe. The goal is to spend the entire time focused only on your breathing, which will prevent your mind from wandering. Think about how it feels to breathe in and out. This sounds simple, but its hard to do for more than a minute or two. Its all right if you get sidetracked by another thought - this is sure to happen at the beginning - and you just need to bring your focus back to your breathing. If staying focused on your breathing proves to be a real struggle, try counting each breath in and out until you get to twenty, and then start again from one. Dont worry if you lose count you can always just start over. This task may seem too easy or even a little silly, but youll be surprised by how calm you feel afterward and how much easier it is to let go of distracting thoughts that otherwise seem to lodge permanently inside your brain.Bringing it all togetherThe ability to strategically manage ambiguity is one of the most important skills you can cultivate in an increasingly uncertain business environment. Try the strategies above, and your ability to handle uncertainty will take a huge step in the right direction.Thispostfirst appeared on LinkedIn.
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